You know you’ve made it when…

… Lance Fortnow and Bill Gasarch perform a Talmudic exegesis of one of your blog posts, taking more time to do so than you took to write the post. Listen to Bill and Lance dissect my Ten Reasons to Believe P!=NP, and then offer their own reasons that are every bit as flaky as mine are. (Indeed, Lance’s reason turns out to be almost identical to my reason #9, which he had previously rejected.)

I’m honored, of course, but I’m also offended by Bill and Lance’s speculation that not all of my Reasons to Believe were meant completely seriously. Needless to say, everything I write on this blog carries the Official Scott Aaronson Seal of Really Meaning It. Including the last sentence. And the last one. And the last one. And the last one.

15 Responses to “You know you’ve made it when…”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    “I’m honored, of course, but I’m also offended by Bill and Lance’s speculation that not all of my Reasons to Believe were meant completely seriously. Needless to say, everything I write on this blog carries the Official Scott Aaronson Seal of Really Meaning It. Including the last sentence. And the last one. And the last one. And the last one.”

    Dude, you so easily confuse poor Bill. He doesnt know when to believe what you say.

    At least they said you were a worthy opponent! πŸ˜‰

  2. Osias Says:

    so, THAT’S how we pronounce Aaronson!

  3. Scott Says:

    How did you think?

  4. John Preskill Says:

    You *should* be honored, and all the more so considering that your reasons are more persuasive than theirs. Actually, though, I thought they raised some good points, and that it was an interesting and enjoyable discussion.

  5. Scott Says:

    John: Welcome to my comments section! Since Lance says he loves me and doesn’t want to beat up on me, I suppose I should return the love: I also found their discussion interesting and enjoyable.

  6. Osias Says:

    >> How did you think?

    I din’t. I always read mentally as it should be in Portuguese and I *knew* it was wrong.

    Btw, I couln’t understand most of the podcast cause my english is awful. πŸ™

  7. Anonymous Says:

    so, THAT’S how we pronounce Aaronson!

    Well, Scott’s completely screwed his co-authors. First authorship on all papers that he writes for life. Unless of course, an Aaaronson arrives on the scene

  8. Scott Says:

    Or I write something with Aardal or Aanderaa.

  9. Paraphrene Says:

    This post has been removed by the author.

  10. Paraphrene Says:

    This is off-topic^9^9, but I read your article about consciousness being finite, and you said that you don’t know how much you agree with it. Does that mean you do know how much you don’t agree with it? If yes, then could you please explain how consciousness is infinite? Your article really scared me.

  11. Anonymous Says:

    You know you’ve made it, and then lost it, when you no longer publish notes on your course πŸ™‚

  12. Paraphrene Says:

    Also, Scott, I know you’re not a robot, but tell everybody that 0.999…=1. It sounds like it would ignite a trail of arguments.

  13. Scott Says:

    0.99999… = 1

  14. Marvin Thales Says:

    0.999… = 0.999…

    1 = 1

  15. scott Says:

    Also true.